We build powerful membership sites that allow you to set paid and free subscriptions, to limit content access to specific membership levels, to hide menu items and to permit or deny access to all the different regions of your member site.
The perfect way to create your membership site
Our membership module has an easy to follow dashboard that shows the number of members, a graph of membership signups and details of the membership types.
All Members
You can easily see who your members are and change their membership levels
Access Levels
Edit access levels with powerful drag-and-drop visual configuration. Limit front end access to specific membership access levels, hide menus and content and allow access to specific backend modules.
Subscription Plans
Unlimited subscription plans to match unlimited access levels. Add, rename and edit subscription plans as your product develops. Drag and drop access levels allowed for each subscription plan.
Add membership subscription renewal notices with ease.
Payment Gateways
Configure payment gateways. Use Authorize.net, PayPal, 2Checkout and free access gateways.